The Advanced Fraud Management Solution (FMS)
Powerful Fraud Solution
For Effective Enterprise Risk Management
Unlimited data source integration combined with machine learning identifying known and unknown fraud.
Signaling Analysis
Maximize fraud detection speed, coverage and accuracy; reduce losses through active/passive network integration.
Multiple near real-time analysis tools including link analysis, advanced rules, profiling, AI/ML structural analysis and prediction.
Flexible setup and configurable to meet both present and future revenue protection needs.
Uncover Known And Emerging Frauds In Real-Time
xDRs, CRM, Billing, SIP, voucher, dealers, POS, OSS, Probes, DPI, IPTV, payments, interconnect/gateways, VoLTE, bulk SMS/A2P, etc. feeding cross-source 360° analytics.
Across CSP operations from Dealers, POS, Usage – prepaid/postpaid/fixed/IPTV/etc., Payments/Recharging, Interconnect, IoT, Roaming, Technical, Equipment, Internal processes, etc.
Machine learning/AI, business rules, fuzzy link analysis, behavioural profiling over time, multi-dimensional aggregation, re-rating, trending, adaptive feedback, special lists, etc
Flexible through configuration giving clear and comprehensive data and analysis views, auditing, revenue saving, case activity, etc
Comprehensive and configurable fraud analyst and investigation case management tool, with dynamic dashboards, data mining capabilities, user external action integration, data security, multi-tenant support, LEA support, etc.
Unlimited external integration with CRM, call centre, SMS/email, network blocking/call tear-down, call diversion, test call generation, provisioning, etc.