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Automated Call Screening and Smart Call Blocker Solution for Telco

Written by Neural Technologies | Sep 10, 2024 2:00:00 AM

Fraud Phone Calls, Spoofing and Robocall Protection at the Network-Level

Receiving calls from unknown numbers or numbers with no caller ID can be frustrating, especially when your subscribers are repeatedly targeted by such calls. These unwanted nuisance calls are more than just annoying and disruptive. They can lead to fraud, which may have a significant financial impact on individuals, businesses, and telecom companies. Scammers have become more sophisticated, employing advanced tactics such as caller ID spoofing, where they falsify their caller ID to mislead recipients, and robocalling, where automated systems generate high volumes of spam calls.

Telecommunication companies play a crucial role in protecting consumers from the growing wave of unsolicited and fraudulent calls. As the first line of defense, telcos can protect their subscribers by screening and blocking these unwanted communications at the network level, ensuring they never reach end users. Each day, they handle a vast volume of calls, including both legitimate interactions and an increasing number of deceptive attempts by scammers and spammers.

Regulators worldwide, including the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States, Ofcom in the United Kingdom, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) in Singapore, and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), among others, have implemented various measures to address the rise of scam calls, spam, and robocalls. In some countries, regulators have also imposed substantial fines on telecom companies that fail to comply with these regulations. 

Investing in advanced call screening, filtering and blocking using smart technologies is not merely an operational necessity but a strategic priority for telecommunication companies. By efficiently filtering and blocking unwanted calls at the network level, telcos can enhance network security, prevent fraud, and deliver a more secure and reliable service for their subscribers.

Why the Need for Automated Call Screening and Smart Call Blocking?

Amidst the rise of phone scams, spam calls, and vishing (VoIP phishing) attempts, call screening serves as a vital security barrier, protecting users from potential threats, fraudulent activities, and ensuring regulatory compliance. It has become an essential part of our telecommunication experience, offering an initial defense against unwanted calls and helping users manage their communications efficiently.

Effectively managing the growing complexity and variety of call traffic demands advanced technological solutions. Telecommunications companies require sophisticated automated end-to-end call management systems that can handle vast amounts of dynamic call data, perform real-time analysis, issue warning alerts and implement smart filtering to block fraudulent calls before they reach end users.

The Mechanism Behind Automated Call Screening and Blocking

Automatic call screening and smart call blocking involve advanced technologies and algorithms to identify and manage incoming calls without user intervention. These systems utilize sophisticated algorithms and machine learning (ML) technologies to proactively analyze incoming call data in real-time, detecting suspicious patterns or behaviors associated with scams, spam, and other forms of unwanted communication. Calls flagged as suspicious are automatically blocked based on data-driven decisions before reaching the end user, providing enhanced voice security at the network level and effectively handling spam calls and fraud detection. 

  • Advanced Caller Identification: Automated systems leverage sophisticated algorithms and machine learning to identify and filter calls. These systems can detect known spam numbers, unusual calling patterns, and other indicators of fraudulent activity. 
  • Real-Time Monitoring and Blocking: These systems operate in real-time, analyzing calls as they come in and blocking those deemed suspicious or harmful. This immediate response helps prevent disruptions and reduces the volume of unwanted calls reaching end users, improving voice security at the network level.
  • Customizable Filters and Rules: Telecommunication providers can tailor the screening filters to address specific needs or threats within their network. This includes setting parameters based on call types, sources, or geographic locations, allowing for a more targeted approach to call management.

Stop Unwanted Calls from Reaching Your Customers  

Telecommunications networks need to manage both legitimate communications and a growing influx of malicious and deceptive calls. This dual responsibility places significant strain on network resources and operational efficiency. The solution lies in implementing advanced automated call screening and smart blocking systems capable of proactively identifying and addressing these threats before they impact end users.

Neural Technologies’ SCAMBlock offers a robust, network-based solution for these issues, leveraging AI and machine learning technologies. Seamlessly integrating into existing telecommunications infrastructures, SCAMBlock provides comprehensive protection against scam and spam calls

Security and Privacy Control: How SCAMBlock solution helps to stop unwanted calls?  

  • Detect scam and spam calls proactively: Automated enhanced call screening feature using advanced machine learning algorithms and dynamic databases to analyze calling patterns to identify and flag unusual behavior that could indicate spam or robocalls, ensuring real-time protection against unwanted calls.  
  • Block unwanted calls at the Network level: Block spam calls, robocalls, scam-likely calls, wangiri calls, and other unsolicited communications at the source, reducing risks and disturbances before they reach end users, and providing an effective preventive measure. 
  • Smart Technology Integration: Integration with automated Voice Announcement Alert to warn users, providing an additional layer of call screening when unknown calls are received with international prefix numbers, where users have the option to answer or end the call.  
  • Customization and Personalization: Enables subscribers to manage their call preferences by filtering calls from specific countries through personalized blocklist or allowlist, ensuring that important calls are never missed. 

Neural Technologies’ SCAMBlock solution benefits:  

#1 Real-time voice threat detection and smart blocking decisions  

#2 Extensive analytical framework with a multi-layered model analytical approach 

#3 Automated blocking at the network level based on data-driven call decision 

#4 Calling Line Identity (CLI) based warning of suspect calls and automated voice announcement alert 

#5 Highly flexible and end-to-end integration supporting industry standard variety of interfaces and protocols 

#6 Real-time Dashboard and Reporting  

Automated call screening and smart blocking are essential solutions that offer enhanced voice call security and protection. Neural Technologies’ SCAMBlock provides robust voice threat protection with its advanced algorithm and adaptable technologies that can learn from emerging spam and scam tactics. 

Enhance your voice call security at the network level today. Contact us to discover how SCAMBlock can protect against unwanted calls.