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Elevate Your Fraud Detection With ActivML - Neural Technologies

Written by Neural Technologies | Sep 26, 2023 3:14:00 AM

The Role Of AI In Fraud Detection 

As businesses continually seek ways to gain a competitive edge, AI has emerged as a game-changer. AI in business is no longer a buzzword but a necessity. It empowers organizations to streamline operations, enhance fraud detection, elevate customer experiences, and make data-driven decisions. 

One of the most compelling AI use cases lies in fraud detection, where machine learning models play a pivotal role. AI for fraud detection represents a paradigm shift. 

Unlike traditional rule-based systems that were trained to ‘detect’ rather than predict to prevent disaster, AI in business harnesses the power of machine learning models and algorithms to adapt and evolve in real time. These models, trained on massive datasets, can swiftly identify and predict suspicious patterns, anomalies, and fraudulent activities across various business sectors.


How AI Works To Detect Fraud

AI-driven fraud detection relies on these key roles and strategies to effectively identify and prevent fraudulent activities using call records and customer data.

Data Gathering and Consolidation

AI-driven fraud detection starts by collecting and consolidating data from diverse sources, such as call records, customer profiles, and historical data. For instance, a telecommunication service provider gathers call records, including call duration, location, and call types, to create a comprehensive dataset.

Machine Learning Model Training

Machine learning models are trained using historical data to identify patterns in legitimate and fraudulent activities. Models are trained to recognize patterns in call behavior, like the typical duration and frequency of calls for different customer segments.

Anomaly Detection

Trained machine learning models can identify deviations from expected patterns, flagging transactions or activities that significantly differ from norms as potential fraud cases. If a customer suddenly makes an unusually high number of international calls, it triggers an anomaly alert.

Behavioural Profiling

Behavioural profiles are created for customers or entities, capturing their typical activities to detect unusual or suspicious behaviour. Profiling reveals a customer who typically uses their phone only for domestic calls suddenly making international calls.

Explainable AI (XAI)

In some cases, AI provides explanations for its decisions, helping human analysts understand why a transaction was flagged as suspicious. It enhances transparency and trust in the process. Explainable AI systems will manage to explain that a call was flagged due to a sudden change in call behaviour, providing context to analysts.

Continuous Learning

AI-powered fraud detection systems are continuously learning and evolving. They adapt to changing fraud tactics, incorporating feedback from human analysts and past decisions. The system learns from past fraud cases to better identify new and evolving fraud patterns, improving its accuracy over time.


Neural Technologies: Real-World AI Use Cases For Fraud Detection 

AI Use Case For Dealer Fraud Detection And Analysis

Unlock the application of AI and machine learning models to identify and prevent fraudulent activities within the context of dealerships or similar business entities.

Data Source Feeds and Training

Commencing with data feeds from dealers, sales records, and early usage data, the process begins with the ingestion of diverse datasets. These data sources are crucial for training machine learning models, enabling an understanding of normal data patterns.

Structured Analytical Profiling

Following data training, Structured Analytical Profiling is employed. The technique systematically analyses and profiles the structured data, identifying common trends and behaviours typical of legitimate activities. It establishes a baseline for normal data patterns.

Model Output with Explainable AI (XAI)

With a solid grasp of normal patterns, the process continuously monitors incoming data. Deviations or anomalies that don’t align with these established patterns trigger alerts or flags for further inspection.

XAI also enhances transparency by providing comprehensible explanations for flagged instances. It aids in understanding why a specific activity or data point was marked as unusual, promoting clarity and transparency in the detection process.

Neural Technologies' Fraud Management solution combined with the cutting-edge ActivML solution provides swift and effective detection of unusual fraudulent activity types. The solution adapts to emerging threats or patterns, ensuring responsive and accurate detection without relying solely on predefined rules.


Harness The AI Potential With ActivML By Neural Technologies

With over 25 years of invaluable expertise in providing effective data solutions leveraging the latest artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technology, Neural Technologies' ActivML Platform stands as a testament to unrivalled proficiency in the field. 

The solution’s exceptional track record is evident in its ability to achieve an astounding risk detection accuracy rate of over 98% in near real-time with end-to-end MLOps automation capabilities, ensuring seamless automation throughout the entire machine learning lifecycle and rapid time to market.

Moreover, the ActivML Platform offers unparalleled flexibility when it comes to deployment options. Whether businesses opt for a cloud-based solution, a hybrid environment, or on-premise infrastructure, the platform seamlessly adapts to these preferences. 

It harmonizes effortlessly with various data sources, including databases, big data repositories, cloud APIs, file-specific APIs, and application APIs, thereby providing a versatile and adaptable solution tailored to diverse business requirements.