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Emerging Phone Scams Trends: What You Need to Know

Written by Neural Technologies | Nov 27, 2023 4:00:00 PM

How Phone Scams Have Changed These Days

In an age of rapid technological advancement and digital interconnectedness, the landscape of phone scams has undergone a remarkable transformation. What was once characterized by the classic “Nigerian prince” email schemes has evolved into a sophisticated and multifaceted network of deception. These fraudulent activities are continually adapting to exploit new technologies and unsuspecting victims.

Back in the day, phone scams were relatively simple and straightforward. Scammers often used direct and unrefined methods to trick people. However, today’s phone scammers leverage technology to create increasingly convincing and deceptive schemes, such as AI-powered and social engineering schemes. 

The Latest Trends in Phone Scams 

  1. Robocalls and Call Spoofing: Scammers employ automated systems to initiate a vast number of calls, while masking their true identities by manipulating caller IDs to appear as legitimate sources. This not only confuses recipients but also raises the probability of scam success.
  2. Smishing Attacks: Scammers send deceptive text messages containing links to fraudulent websites or prompts to reveal personal information. These text scams often appear as though they are from trustworthy sources, further increasing the chances of duping recipients.
  3. Social Engineering: In social engineering related phone scams, fraudsters employ psychological manipulation to extract sensitive information over phone scams or through text scams. By preying on fear, trust, or urgency, they persuade victims to reveal financial and personal details that can be exploited for illicit gain. 
  4. Voice Deepfakes: Scammers can now create highly convincing voice replicas of real individuals, making it challenging for recipients to discern between genuine and fraudulent phone scams. 

The High Costs of Phone Scams for Communication Service Providers (CSPs)

Phone scams can result in direct financial losses, as scammers may deceive individuals into making unauthorized payments or purchases, including charges for fraudulent services, unauthorized transfers of funds, or purchases made using stolen payment information.

The financial burden isn’t limited to individuals alone. Communication service providers often bear the brunt of the cost associated with voice and text scams. They incur substantial expenses, covering the implementation of fraud detection and prevention technologies, provision of customer support services, and conducting investigations into fraudulent activities. These operational costs can be substantial, impacting the overall financial health of telecom operators.

Furthermore, CSPs may experience revenue leakage due to fraud. Scammers exploit vulnerabilities within the network to make unauthorized calls or send fraudulent text messages from a scammer phone number list. This not only results in lost revenue but also places an additional strain on network resources.

In addition to the financial aspects, the erosion of customer trust represents another significant cost of voice and text scams. Subscribers who fall victim to fraud or face an increasing number of spam calls and messages from scammer phone number list,  may lose faith in their telecom operator. This loss of trust can result in customer churn, where subscribers switch to other service providers, leading to further lost revenue for the operator.

The cost of fraud isn’t solely financial. It also involves regulatory considerations. Many countries have implemented stringent regulations to protect consumers from fraudulent activities in the telecom industry. Failure to comply with these regulations can lead to fines and penalties for operators, adding to the overall cost of fraud prevention and mitigation.

Win The Battle Against Phone Scams with SCAMBlock 

Neural Technologies’ SCAMBlock solution provides a powerful answer to the persistent and growing threat of spam and scam calls. It is an end-to-end AI/ML-powered network-based solution designed to revolutionize the way telecom operators address sophisticated phone scams and fraud trends. 

As a proven solution to combat phone scams, Neural Technologies’ network-based SCAMBlock solution offers comprehensive features and capabilities to detect, prevent, and mitigate scam calls effectively. 

By leveraging advanced AI and machine learning technology to analyze and identify fraudulent behavior in near-real-time, SCAMBlock offers robust protection against phone scams and robocalls, safeguarding subscribers from the menace of telecom fraud.

But that’s not all – SCAMBlock goes a step further by introducing two innovative features that not only enhance security but also elevate the customer experience simultaneously. 

Enhanced Security or Customer Experience? It Can Be Both!

Interactive Voice Announcement Alert: Provides real-time and automated voice alerts and warnings to subscribers when suspect calls are detected. This immediate alert system empowers subscribers to make informed decisions and avoid potential scams, creating a sense of security and trust in their telecom provider.

Personalized Call Filter: Offers subscribers the flexibility of a personalized call filter, allowing them to manage their own “Personal blocklist” for scammer phone number list  or “Personal allowlist” for important numbers. This feature grants subscribers the autonomy to curate their call preferences for individual needs and preferences. 

With SCAMBlock, telecom operators are not only able to shield their subscribers from fraud but also let them customize their call experience, creating a win-win where security and customer experience coexist seamlessly.

Get in touch with us to learn more about SCAMBlock and how it can benefit your telecom services.