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Granular Access Control: How It Works for Data Security - Neural Technologies
Neural Technologies6 min read

Granular Access Control: How It Works for Data Security 

The Cost of Data Breaches   

With the telecommunications industry at the forefront of digital connectivity, data attacks have become increasingly frequent and sophisticated, posing a substantial financial burden. The widespread adoption of remote work and the rapid expansion of digital communication channels have widened the attack surface, compelling telecommunication companies to fortify their cybersecurity measures. 

Given the ever-evolving nature of data privacy regulations and data management solutions, non-compliance can result in hefty fines and regulatory penalties, adding to the financial strain. Recent high-profile cyber incidents targeting telecommunication infrastructure and customer data underscore the potential for severe financial losses and reputational damage. 

Consequently, safeguarding against data breaches has become a top priority for communication service providers (CSPs), who must navigate the intricate web of financial, regulatory, and reputational consequences in today’s interconnected and data-driven telecommunications landscape.

What is A Data Breach?

A data breach is an unauthorized or unintended exposure, access, or theft of sensitive or confidential information. Data breaches can involve various types of data, including personal, financial, health, or intellectual property. These breaches can come from cyberattacks where hackers break in, from insiders who misuse their access, from simple human mistakes, or from weak points in the computer systems. 

Data Breach: What does it mean for telecommunication companies?

For telecommunication companies, a data breach represents a critical threat to both their operational integrity and the trust of their customers. Such breaches can occur due to cyberattacks, insider threats, system vulnerabilities, or human errors. 

The consequences for telecom operators can be severe, involving substantial financial losses in terms of regulatory fines, customer compensation, and remediation efforts. The loss of customer trust and potential damage to their reputation can be long-lasting, impacting customer retention and acquisition efforts.

Therefore, for telecommunication companies, preventing data breaches and swiftly responding to them are imperative to maintain their operational resilience and uphold their reputation as trusted custodians of sensitive information in the digital age.

What Granular Access Control and How It Works?

Granular access control, often referred to as fine-grained access control, is a security mechanism and policy that allows organizations to manage and restrict access to their resources, systems, or data at a highly detailed and specific level.

Granular access control is a fundamental component of data management solutions and data security. It plays a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive information by providing fine-grained control over who can access data, what actions they can perform with that data, and when they can do so. 

Logic behind Granular Access Control

Granular access control operates on a crucial set of principles to enhance data management solutions and data security. It adheres to the “least privilege” principle, ensuring that users are granted only the minimum access necessary for their specific tasks, effectively minimizing the risk of unauthorized access. 

The system also employs a “need-to-know” approach, limiting user access to data and resources strictly based on their relevance to their roles, thereby safeguarding sensitive information. 

Additionally, granular access control employs segmentation techniques, creating barriers that make it difficult for unauthorized individuals to navigate through the system. 

This approach also aids organizations in achieving regulatory compliance by ensuring that data is consistently and properly protected, a vital aspect in today’s stringent data protection landscape. 

Role Based Access Control (RBAC) 

Role-based access control (RBAC) represents a security model wherein system access is limited to authorized individuals according to their designated roles within an organization. In this framework, each user is allocated a specific role, entailing a predefined set of permissions or privileges dictating their actions within the system.

Granular access control and role-based access control (RBAC) are related concepts that often work together to enhance data security and manage access to resources within an organization. Here’s how they are connected:

  • Granularity within RBAC: In an RBAC system, access to resources is typically defined based on roles and responsibilities within an organization. However, to implement RBAC effectively, organizations often employ granular access control within each role. 

Even within a specific role, users may have varying levels of access to different resources or perform different actions. Granular access control allows for fine-tuning these permissions to ensure that users within the same role only have access to the data and functionalities they require for their specific tasks.

  • Customization: Granular access control provides a more detailed and customizable approach to access management compared to traditional RBAC, which tends to operate at a higher level. 

While RBAC defines access based on user roles, granular access control enables organizations to tailor access permissions to individual users or groups within those roles. The capability of customization is particularly valuable when roles encompass a wide range of responsibilities.

  • Enhanced Security: The combination of RBAC and granular access control strengthens security by ensuring that users are given precisely the permissions they need, adhering to the principle of least privilege, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches. 

Granular access control also allows for the precise revocation of access when a user’s role or responsibilities change, reducing the chance of security lapses.

  • Scalability: While RBAC is often used in large organizations with many roles, granular access control makes it possible to scale access management efficiently. 

As organizations grow and roles become more complex, granular access control enables them to maintain tight control over access permissions without creating an overly complex RBAC structure. 

Keep Your Data Safe with Neural Technologies 

Data security management has been a major concern for telecommunication companies as threats continue to evolve and become more sophisticated. 

To address the data security challenges, Neural Technologies has recently released new upgrades to its Revenue Protection platform, introducing the new Role-Based Access security module that can help communication service providers (CSPs) strengthen and optimize their data security protection for OSS/BSS operations.

Our robust Role-Based Access security module is designed to ensure your sensitive information is protected, with configurable field-level redaction enabling precise access and privileges management, providing exceptional control over data access and handling.

With its Multi-Tenant Account Access feature, users can be configured using data segmentation based on roles and are granted the appropriate level of access to accomplish their jobs.

Granular access control provides the flexibility to define and customize access levels and permissions for different roles, even as roles evolve. This fine-tuning allows you to specify who can view, edit, or manage specific data sets, ensuring the preservation of data privacy and compliance with standards.

Our Role-Based Access security module also provides a clear audit trail tracking of user activity that helps organizations continually adapt, optimize, and efficiently manage data access rights.

Alongside the introduction of a new Role-Based Access security module capability, Optimus Revenue Protection v12 has also enhanced its case management tool, the new Websight GUI. With this new web-based feature, analysts can now easily access the case management and reporting tool from both desktop and mobile devices.

Neural Technologies’ suite of Revenue Protection products is designed to offer advanced financial risk management tools that reduce loss while unlocking new potential revenue streams for your business.

Our Revenue Protection suite of solutions:

  • Fraud Management Solution 
  • Revenue and Business Assurance Solution
  • Credit Risk Management Solution
  • Application Risk Solution
  • Anti Money Laundering Solution
  • SCAMBlock Solution

Get in touch with us today to discover how we can elevate your business’s data security to new heights.