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USSD Gateway

An interactive USSD Gateway with a highly interactive and customizable capabilities to unlock new revenue streams.


Unlock New Revenue From Interactive Services, Customer Self-Care, Mobile-Banking To Infotainment

Cost effective, scalable and highly customizable to suit emerging business needs.

Bi-directional and high-speed communications to run between applications and mobile phones.

ICON_DATA QUALITY > Cost Effective And Customizable

Our flexible and sophisticated Signaling stack requires no specialized hardware and has a low system footprint.

ICON_FAST > Easy To Use

Menu-based upon service trigger, providing quick and easy navigation.

ICON_INDEPENANT OF INTERNET > Independent Of Internet Connection

Allows free of roaming and data charges.


Secure And Accessible Anywhere, Anytime On Any Mobile Phone

Free for your customers to use, and cost-effective for businesses.
> Self-Care Services

Fast and easy to use self-care services to get information about your balance, plan, remaining traffic, etc.

> Interactive Menu

Self-care services, Surveys, marketing promotions, etc.

> Mobile Payment

Send and receive funds on your phone.

> Information On-Demand

Mobile users can access information at their own convenience.

> 2-Factor Authenticator

2FA Provides an extra layer for security.

> Location-Based Query

Capability to enable mobile tracking and obtaining location information in real-time.

> Roaming Call-Back Trigger

Enable prepaid roaming.

> IoT Devices Communications

Capability for bi-directional communication with IoT devices.



We deliver tailored solutions by deeply understanding each client's unique needs and requirements.